Monday, November 3, 2014

Standing As An Everyday Witness

"We will 'stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places'..."  Every week I recite the Young Women Theme. I promise to be a witness of God, always. Not just in church. Not just at home, or school, or special occasions. Always.
So, how can I do that? How can I be his witness? I have a list, and some of these things include listening to people, reaching out to those who are lonely or hurting, serving, being cheerful, being modest in action and language, and just being a good person. Above all of these wonderful things, I have chosen to work most actively on talking about God more often.
See, talking about my feelings is difficult sometimes. It's easier with bearing testimony of the gospel than with emotions, but sometimes it is still difficult to bear witness of the reality of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior. I know that they live, and that they love us. I know that completely. It just seems awkward to bring up. Like, imagine this conversation:
"Hey, what's up?"
"God is up. Here, have some scriptures. And come to church. Also, be baptized while you're at it."
It just wouldn't work very well. It's also a pretty good way to make people uncomfortable around you, and probably isolate yourself from many friends/acquaintances.
So, I just try to turn people to God when they need advice, or when an opportunity occurs. This conversation is much better:
"What should I do?"
"I would suggest praying to Heavenly Father. This is a tough situation, and I really don't know how to handle it, but He does."
"Wow! The sunrise is so beautiful!"
"Isn't it? God sure knew what he was doing when he made our earth."

Just little things. They really don't take that much effort, and I feel like talking of them is the least we can do thank Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for all that they've done for us.

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