Sunday, February 16, 2020

This Moment

"I was born in the wrong time."
"Don't you wish we could go back to the good old days?"
I've heard variants of these phrases too many times to count, from people old and young. The past is enchanting, seemingly simpler and better than our current state.
But what about right now?
The moment you are living right now will never come again.
I am sitting in my apartment, writing. My family and I worshiped in church this morning. Our neighbors exchanged simple gifts with us this afternoon. My daughter ate some banana for the first time. Now I'm sitting next to my husband, while our daughter sleeps in the other room. He's researching emergency preparedness, and we cherish this quiet moment.
The world is a different place now, and in some ways it's scarier than ever before. In many ways it's much brighter. I'm not here to compare eras; I'm here to thank the Lord I'm alive at this time in history.
When we focus on the past, we let today's blessings pass by without even a glance. Opportunities to improve our own lives and the lives of others are lost. 
I am alive. I am blessed. I face my challenges the same way people in every time have faced their challenges: with grit.
How will you face yours?

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