Wednesday, February 17, 2016

CDC Guidelines on Alcohol

I just read the above article. If you read it before proceeding, you know that the main premise is that it's ridiculous to guide sexually active women not on birth control towards avoiding alcohol because I'm a woman and I do more than carry babies so I should be able to take intoxicating substances without guilt if I want to gosh darn it.
As you may be able to tell, I disagree.
Choices have consequences.
You have the ability to choose your consequences.
And if you're choosing to participate in something that is meant for the purpose of creating children, it is your responsibility not to endanger the potential children you could create.
You are more than just one possible role, yes. But just because you are more doesn't mean that this one potentiality doesn't exist. You are a person. You have interests. You may have work. You have feelings and emotions and individuality and personality. Maybe you feel like alcohol is important to you, I don't know. But the complexity of your humanity does not invalidate that when you become pregnant you are charged with the almost sacred responsibility of growing another human being who matters just as much as you do. Your choices could lead to a healthy human or one born with disabilities that make life completely unfair.
Don't be selfish. Don't prioritize something like alcohol over something like a human being. If you are mature enough to have sex you are mature enough to abstain from life choices that endanger your future child. You are mature enough to take birth control in order to prevent the growth of a child.
Never forget your humanity. But never forget the humanity of others either.