Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Garden, Part Four

A day or so after my last post on my garden, my sister's dog came through and ran around in my garden, and then dug up one of my pumpkins. At least, that's what I'm guessing from the big dog prints and the hole that was dug around the area my pumpkin was in, and the fact that my pumpkin wasn't even in my garden box anymore.

I replanted my pumpkin, and it seems to be doing pretty well now. The only thing that seems to be bothering my garden is that it has been raining off and on for the last couple of weeks. I haven't actually seen the sun come out for two weeks. This is a problem, because everything that I'm growing likes to be fairly dry and warm, which it can't be given the current weather.

Another problem that the rains brings is slugs. The slugs absolutely love the wet conditions, and they are coming out in full force. One climbed up the wall into my garden and started eating on one of my pumpkins. I am now looking for solutions to slugs, that keep them away but don't hurt them, because I don't like hurting things. If you have any ideas, please let me know. So far, I am thinking about using beer or corn meal, but those would kill the slugs.

So, my garden is not doing as well as I had hoped. The corn and pumpkins are both yellow, my beans have not even started to grow, and it's all too wet. Hopefully things will get better soon.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Blessing of Music

A few weeks ago, part of my family and I went to a women's retreat for my Grandma's church. This was in Leavenworth, which is a lovely location, and I really enjoyed everything there, except having to be gone on Sunday. The part I enjoyed most, though, was hearing a pianist play at the hotel.

I've always enjoyed music, but I believe this is the first time I loved music. It spoke to my soul, though I didn't know any of the songs except one. I can remember few things more lovely than was this piano at this time.

I now appreciate more fully music, as a gift from God that can bring the Spirit closer. It can intensify our emotions. It can inspire to action.It can bring hope.

Please, find music that speaks to you truly and immerse yourself in it. Listen to it while doing nothing at all. Play it on an instrument. Sing. Anything to help you feel what a blessing music is.

My Garden, Part Three

Good morning!
I hope everybody had a lovely Mother's Day.

About three weeks ago, I filled my box with dirt, mowed grass, and compost. Then, I pleanted my corn and my pumpkins.

A few things might have gone wrong, and we'll see how it goes.
First, my pumpkins stayed in their starting containe for way too long, and started to grow together. Two of them were so intertwined that we had to leave them together, and the third we separated. I'm concerned that the roots won't be resilient enough to continue growing after any teards that may have happened, and that the two might be too close together.

Second, there was only one layer of mowed grass/compost mixture and it made the bottom layer. When the roots reach down that far, I'm not sure if it will be good enough to allow the roots to have a firm grip. I don't know, though, as this is just an idea that popped into my head as I was thinking about my garden.

Third, I believe I planted the corn too closely. I don't know about this either, but it's pretty close.

Altogether, I was just having one of those days when my brain doesn't work well enough to think anything through. Hopefully it goes well. So far, my pumpkins are looking healthier than they were before I planted them, and the corn is growing nicely.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

In the World, Not of the World

Last night, I was watching television with one of my relatives. She really enjoys watching one show on the television, and I really enjoy watching a different one, so we watch both. In between shows there is a little gap of time, and my relative wanted to change the channel early, so we didn't forget to change it in time. I asked her not to, as right before my show there is a show that has content that doesn't need to be in my life or in my mind.
I expressed my feelings, and she told me, "Megan, just because you don't want this stuff in your life doesn't mean that you have to hide. You can't be an ostrich with your head in the ground. You have to face this eventually." (As I don't take notes on every single conversation I have, this is paraphrased.)
While this was well-meant and I agree that you can't hide from the world, I don't agree that you should immerse yourself in immorality simply because it's there. The world is full of wonderful things, and some bad things. Some of these bad things are necessary to encounter, so we can make them better, but others we are not. We can walk away from a TV show whose purpose is to entertain through vulgar and crude means.  We can walk away from people whose language is below our standards. We can walk away from situations where immoral behaviour is shown as acceptable.
We can find far better options. Instead of watching a degrading TV show, we can watch one that is uplifting. Rather than people whose moral code is far below our own, we can become closer to people who encourage you to live your standards more fully. Instead of going to places where immorality is encourage, we can hang out in "holy places", as we have been commanded.

We have been told to be "in the world, but not of the world". When we choose to partake of degrading media, company, and situations, we are immersing ourselves so thoroughly in the world that we can't help but become what the world is. This is what we, as children of our Heavenly Father who have the Gospel, are told to do. This is what we must do, for the safety of our eternal souls.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Writing in Books

A few weeks ago, I let my friend borrow my copy of Catching Fire, with one condition- she had to write her thoughts on it as she read. This might seem a little bit odd, but I want to have a library full of thoughts, feelings, and memories. I don't simply want books with the author's thoughts and my thoughts; I want a conversation, continuing through barriers of space and time.
Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of writing inside of books. As Oliver Demille and Shannon Brooks' book, A Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens, explains, we need to break the taboo, so that we can get a better education. Yes, writing in books does make them less aesthetically pleasing, but it is worth it (even when you come across those notes you wrote a few years back that don't make sense).
Today I got back my copy of Catching Fire. She only wrote one note, but it made me think, and it made her write in a book, which should help her to be more comfortable with the idea. I have shelves full of books already, but this is the first one which has more than one person's handwriting in it. It is the beginning of a legacy.