Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blessings In My Life

Happy Thanksgiving!
This year I'm posting another list of things I'm grateful for, just to help me remember.

1. The Atonement of Jesus Christ, that allows me to change and become a better person.
2. Encouragement, given by friends, family, classics, and music.
3. Gopsel instruction given every weekday in Seminary.
4. Being able to listen to and play music.
5. The means to record my thoughts, on paper and online.
6.  The feeling I get after exercising.
7. Children.
8. People telling stories that have either happened in real life or that they have imagined.
9. School assignments, to help guide me in my studying.
10. Dances.
11. The printing press, and what is has achieved in this world. It is so wonderful.
12. Flowers.
13. Beauty that can be found anywhere.
14. Sleeping.
15. Individual personalities and ideas.
16. Dictionaries.
17. Smiling.
18. Things that make me stretch outside of my comfort zone.
19. Soft things.
20. Slowly starting to find out who I am.
21. Compassion.
22. The freedoms that I am afforded as a citizen of this country.
23. This blog:
Seriously, I love it a lot right now.
24. My friends, including my family. My friends lift me up, make me smile, and are involved in good works. They are beautiful.
25. When I start to really understand something that I have trouble with, like math.
26. Clothing. I really enjoy different feelings and colors.
28. Missionaries.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Humanity and Emotion

What is life composed of? This is a question that I have asked myself sometimes, because I really want to figure out life. I want to figure out what human beings really are, and how we interact. So this post is about one of my thoughts on this subject.

Everybody has emotions. And occasionally these emotions get the better of us. There is certainly more to life than this, but this is a major part of what influences actions as a people.
We feel joy. We feel sadness. We feel frustration, excitement, depression, hope, despondency, affection.
Because we all feel these things, we are all able to understand when others feel this, if we try. The problem is, on most occasions, people are too wrapped up in their own emotions to see things as they really are.
As we understand these emotions, we can learn to more effectively deal with people. And we can better try to understand ourselves and learn how to be better people, who know how to control ourselves.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fixing The World

I really enjoy reading articles about things, mainly things that are political. I love seeing different opinions, and sometimes even seeing things that expand my own views. I also sometimes read comments people make, because I think that it is a better source for refining thoughts when people debate with each other.

But most of the time there are people who state things that I think are atrocious. They call each other names. They say things like, "Everybody of a different view than I am must be wrong because obviously I know everything and if they don't agree they must be evil." In short, they act like little children.

If we want to have a better world, shouldn't we work together as individuals? Shouldn't we listen to each other? Shouldn't we think about each other's opinions, instead of automatically putting up our defenses when somebody disagrees? If we don't, we might as well resign ourselves to living in a world with problems. A world with war. A world with poverty. A world with people who don't really know how to love.

I've been guilty of judging people in this way. And yes, there is a right and a wrong. But we don't always know what it is. And just because somebody else doesn't know doesn't mean we have to hate them. Life is far too valuable to waste on spreading anger.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Quotes on Reading

“How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book.”
“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.”

-Henry David Thoreau

This quote gives me a thrill. Every time I read it, it feels new, but at the same time as if I've known it for my whole life.
One book that I date a new era in my life from is Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. It planted the seed of knowing Christ in me, and without it I don't think I would have been prepared to accept the gospel and be baptized.

Anyway, here are some more quotes about reading and/or books for you today, that I heard in one of my classes.

"My own eyes are not enough for me; I will see through those of others."
-C.S. Lewis

"No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of a good book."
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

-Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thoughts of a Simple Dreamer

I found this blog today:

Its title is Thoughts of a Simple Dreamer. Somebody who attends the same school as me writes it.
I think it is beautiful, powerful, and overall amazing.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Stages of Understanding

Last Friday I had an opportunity to attend a meetings with the headmaster of my high school. His name is James Ure, and he's pretty much amazing. These meeting happen every month of the school year. This time the topic was "Stages of a Williamsburg Academy Semester", but I think a more appropriate topic title is "Stages of Understanding", so I'm going to refer to it as that. I'm going to give you an overview and then the notes that I took on this.
 First, when you start studying anything you don't understand it really well immediately. You understand words and sentences in some places, but you don't really understand the general idea at all. This is stage 1. 
Stage 2 is when ideas start to make sense in their entirety. There are still parts you don't understand, but big chunks are coming together nicely.
 Stage 3 is when you understand the idea completely. You get it.
 Stage 4 is when you can connect the idea with other ideas and your own life.
 So, here's my notes:
Example of Reading-
Stage 1-Sounding out words with syllables.
Stage 2-Understanding sentences and paragraphs.
Stage 3-Understanding pages and chapters, and how they connect to each other.
Stage 4-Reading entire books and seeing the relationship between other books. Then you see relationships between whole collections of books.
Example of  Ideas-
 Stage 1-Understanding bits and pieces, but not seeing where it’s going.
Stage 2-Understanding the major parts of an idea.
Stage 3-Understanding the whole idea.
Stage 4- Seeing relation between different ideas.
 Example, from U.S. Government:
Stage one- I know that there are three branches of federal government.
 Stage two-I know what those three branches do.
 Stage three- I understand checks and balances, specific clauses, powers left to state and towns.
Stage four- I see connections between principles in Constitution and other things, such as Locke, 7 Habits, and personal life. 
How Long It Takes To Grasp It-
Stage 1-Hourly/Daily Stage
2-Daily/Weekly Stage
Stage 4-Semesterly
 Stage lengths, NewStudent/ReturningStudent:
Weeks 1-8/1-3
 Weeks 8-14/4-8
 Weeks 14-16/8-12
 Emotions of different stages:
Stage 1-SOMEONE PLEASE REMOVE THE HATCHET FROM MY FOREHEAD. There is this huge idea and I have no idea what it looks like. I only have simple understanding! Please help!
 Stage 2-I guess I’m learning something at least from this class. This sentence makes some sense. I’d better highlight it!
 Stage 3-Cool! I just closed this book. I get John Locke. I love understanding it.
 Stage 4-I’m a flippin’ genius. Seriously. I dazzle myself with how wise I am. I just answered my mom’s question about the semester, and told her that it connected with human nature, and why they act in the way they do. I connected so many things. Wow.
Stage 1-
Be gentle with yourself.
 Keep a dictionary next to you. Look up unfamiliar words and write them in the margins of the book, or in a notebook you keep with you if you’re not reading your book.
Focus most on the first sentence of the paragraph.
When you understand something, highlight it. Underline, highlight, love, kiss, surround with hearts anything you understand.
Try to remember your general topic.
Don’t stress if you’re not catching everything.
 Don’t worry. Be happy.
Keep working. Persevere.
Stage 2-
Write summaries of paragraphs or chapters in a study guide.
 Keep good notes.
Rewrite in your own words.
Stage 3-
After completing your study of the topic, review all your notes. All your study guides.
Make timelines, charts, and diagrams of your information.
Help your mind wrap around looking at this in a new way.
Think about how parts of a topic connect.
See how it applies in your own life.
 Stage 4-
 Review all notes several times.
Think of questions that connect the themes and ideas of one class to another. One book to another. Whatever.
Get in a study group with two or three other people who you like, and ask them how they connect things. Enjoy it. It is magical. Truly magical.
Teach people!

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Way You Look Tonight

First, I hope everybody had a lovely Halloween yesterday. I dressed as Belle, and hung out with my family and friends.
 Second, the song that I chose this week is The Way You Look Tonight as sung by Frank Sinatra. When I'm upset about things sometimes, I listen to this song and I feel a lot better.
Some day, when I'm awfully low
When the world is cold
I will feel a glow just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight
 Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
And the way you look tonight
 With each word your tenderness grows
Tearing my fear apart
And that laugh..wrinkles your nose
Touches my foolish heart
 Lovely ...
Never, never change
Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it?
'Cause I love you
Just the way you look tonight
 And that laugh that wrinkles your nose
It touches my foolish heart
 Lovely ...
Don't you ever change
Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it?
'Cause I love you a-just the way you look tonight
Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm,
Just the way you look tonight