Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Makes Right be Right?

The world was created with certain things being right, and certain things being wrong.
Sometimes it is really, really hard to tell what is right and what is wrong, because the lines seem to be gray and unclear.
Here are some ways to help us figure out what is right and what is wrong:
If something is right, it helps in the long term, although it may occasionally seem to harm immediately. If something is wrong, it only gives temporary help, or none at all.
Things that are right do not infringe unjustly on others' rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Infringing unjustly means killing and taking away freedom of innocent people who are not harming anybody else.

Sometimes, things like war seem wrong, but they are truly necessary. Wars should not be inspired by anger or hate, but rather love for those whose rights are being infringed upon. Sometimes you have to make really tough decisions between right and wrong, and nobody else can tell you what is right or wrong. You have to rely on your inner compass and have faith that help will come through your steadfastness in trying to do the right thing.

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