Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year, New Start

Today, I was reading a book by Emily Freeman, called Keepers of  What Matters Most: A Young Woman's Guide to Living the Values. It has sections for all of the Young Women values, and when I got to Integrity, I found this quote that the author shared:
"Live never to be ashamed if anything you do or say is published around the world."
- Richard Bach

I thought this was very meaningful, and something to consider at the end of this year. Although we have all made mistakes that we wouldn't want published anywhere, we can start again. Our thoughts are generally focused on starting to do better at this time of the year, because this year dies, giving us an opportunity to start again with the new year.

I hope everybody had a very merry Christmas, and that they were able to re-focus on what is really important in their lives.

Also, for your pleasure, here is a very funny video by Studio C about New Year's resolutions. (Don't follow Matt's example. Not a good idea. :P)


  1. It is a great book. I really enjoyed how it had a place to write about the value and how you're going to be a keeper of it after each section.
