On the 31st of January my family finished adopting Madeleine. Obviously, this was the biggest part of the year. I love her so much and am so glad to finally have a little sister to love forever. Isn't she perfect?

My big brother served a mission from April to July. So proud of him for giving his time to serve the Lord and help bring the people of Ireland to Christ. That helped strengthen my testimony in so, so many ways. The pain of having him gone made me question whether or not that sacrifice was really worth it, and this questioning led to a firm answer: yes. The gospel is true, guys. Believe it.

2015 saw me start a romantic relationship with somebody. That has taught me a lot and brought me so much joy, as well as stretching me as a person. Not going to write any more about that because it's pretty private, sorry.
I got a job! I teach classes for 8-12 year-olds now as well as private piano lessons. Teaching truly is what I want to do with my life. Helping people develop a love of learning is the most rewarding thing I have done so far. Is it challenging? You bet. But so worth it.
I've developed as a leader, as well. As the YW president in my ward I have had to step and actually participate and actively try to help all of my girls. This involves showing up to random church activities that I would much rather skip, but still worth it. I've developed friendships and made some changes in how I approach relationships.
I've failed classes in school, but I have also started to truly love learning like never before. I look at the world in a more mature way. I see my weaknesses, and know how to start fixing them. I can hold myself accountable. This last year of schooling has definitely been the best yet. And this next semester will be better. Because I will be better.
Last year I messed up in a lot of ways, but I lived. Ultimately, that's all I can ask for. I experienced a vast range of emotions and developed a greater capacity for loving and thinking. I became more mature, while learning to have fun and laugh at myself. 2016 will only be better.
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