Saturday, February 2, 2013

Exercise and Behaviour

I don't care for exercising, or doing physical work. I always think that I could be doing something more beneficial, like reading, or writing posts for this blog. But, because work is what makes a society function, and it's good for my body, I'm starting to try to be more active.

As I have started to be more active, I have noticed some positive effects on my beahviour and thoughts. I have felt happier and more confident. This helps me in everything.

I have been more patient. In times when I might have been provoked and started an argument, I am now more able to bite my tongue and hold back things I might have said. This allows me to have the Spirit with me.

I have also been more willing to and more cheerful about working. This is very interesting, because the more I work the more I'm able to and the more I do work. This helps my family to be happier, because the chores that need to be done around the house get done more often.

I am going to continue in my efforts to be healthier and more active. It is a blessing in my life, and has allowed me to take care of my body, which is a temple of God.


  1. You argue? I just don't see it in you. I am also trying to exercise more. I can tell you know if you start those habits when you are younger it will help keep your body in better shape. I stopped for several years after I graduated high school and now I am paying for it. But it is a gradual process. :)

  2. I do argue sometimes. Mainly with my little brother. :P
    Thanks for commenting. It's always good to hear from you. :)
