Monday, August 25, 2014

When I Get Married

When I get married someday, I don't want a relationship based merely on emotion. I want it based on service and Christlike love. See, things like this don't sound like a very solid foundation for the rest of your life:

I mean, this is nice. None of them are inherently bad, and they are probably great things to feel. But imagine basing your life off of feelings like this, which can pass away at any time. When it does pass, you're stuck with this person. Either get a divorce or stick through it, bickering with each other all the time and being generally miserable.
It seems to me that serving each other and loving each other with a heavenly love rather than just an earthly love is much more stable. For example, these:

I guess that is all I have to say. It's just something I think about fairly often, because I see marriages all around me, and some of them work well and some of them don't. I want mine to last forever.

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