Wednesday, December 10, 2014


People always seem to have opinions on things they know very little or nothing about. Most of the time, these opinions are very silly and also held very deeply. I guess it's natural, but still something to work on eradicating.
For example, I used to think that there was absolutely no use for either pop or rap. They seemed to sound awful and hold highly immoral opinions. No exceptions, no investigations. Then I took a class about music, and as part of that had to analyze a number of pop and rap songs. I realized that it was nothing short of foolish to label a whole group of music as bad just because of a few songs. Now I've been looking into more pop songs and rap songs, and I like quite a bit of it (as hard as that is to admit.)
That example is a fairly innocent one. I never hated anybody because they like stupid music. Sometimes people do, though. They make judgments about races. They don't take time to learn about religions before judging them as terrorists or idiots. They hear one little thing about a person, and assume that it applies to the rest of the person.
Think about some areas in which you judge hastily. Now choose one to become more informed about. Be careful. Your character is at stake.

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