Saturday, December 20, 2014

Mission Statement

Everybody has a reason for living. I don't have any idea what yours is. During Personal Leadership I had to think about my own reason some more, and was finally able to come up with a mission statement for my own life. It helps me sometimes when I'm caught up in the apathy that tends to sneak into my heart sometimes, so I want to share it with you here:

"I will be cheerful. I will have hope. Discouraging things happen. Life’s hard. But I will greet it with a smiling heart anyway.

"I will do everything in my power to be free mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally. I will never do anything that binds my soul through addictions. I will avoid unhealthy relationships. I will take care of my body. I will take time to exercise my mind, spirit, heart, and body every day. 

"I will build meaningful relationships. Relationships are one of the most important things in this life. In order to have meaningful and healthy relationships, I will connect with others who build up my values and encourage me to live the way I want to live. I will also be a support for them, and help them live according to their values. I will be empathetic, while still keeping a sense of who I am.

"I will give myself completely to whatever endeavors I take up. I will be present. I will live purposefully. I will be awake. I will be vibrant and truly alive. I will take risks. 

"Above all, I will dedicate myself to my god. Everything I do should be to serve him and develop my nature to become like him. I will serve. I will repent. I will listen to his words. I will preach his gospel. I will strive to live my life in such a way that people see him through me. I will love him with everything I have. I will remember that I am his."

I hope you have written or decide to write a statement for your self. Really. I want you to be happy, and I think it will help you to have a clear vision of who you want to be. 


  1. Also, I had to record a presentation of it for peer review, and if you want to you can watch that here:

    I have updated it since then and also my voice is kinda funny, but you know. Whatever.

  2. That's an excellent personal statement, Megan. Now make sure to follow it. :D

  3. I'm working on it, Dallin. Thanks for the encouragement. :D
