Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Elizabeth Rose

Last Saturday I got up at 2:00 in the morning and headed over to a birth center to be with my sister as she gave birth to her baby. This morning, a Tuesday,  she finally finished the process. She gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
Dear Lizzy, your mom had to go through so much to bring you here. Months of carrying you inside if herself, day of painful contractions during labor, hours of attempting to push you out of her body, and finally having to have you cut out. And she did all of this without you there To snuggle and help cope with the pain and fear. Because she loves you. This morning as she held you sleeping in her arms, she looked weak and tired from all of her exertions of the past few days. But so proud and happy, because she has the privilege of being your mother.
Then you woke up, and I heard your strong little voice crying out. I got to feel your soft skin. I saw your funny toes. And then, in spite of the doubts I had about my ability to hold something so small without damaging it, I got to hold you tight.
I love you, little darling. I want you to be strong, loved, wise, content, kind, and faithful. I want you to be happy.


  1. Welcome to the world little Elizabeth Rose, this brings me joy...

  2. I have no doubt that you will be a most excellent aunt. .
