Saturday, November 1, 2014

Annabelle and Izabelle

I have two baby sisters now. Annabelle turned one year old last week, and Izabelle is just a couple of weeks old. I never thought I would have any baby sisters and had been forced to accept my position as one of the 'littles' in the family. Not anymore. Now I can be a big sister to my little baby girls, and hopefully help them be strong as they grow up and get hurt. I don't want them to be hurt ever, but I know that it's going to happen.
I want my baby sisters to grow up kind, gentle, loving, strong, joyful, intelligent, optimistic, brave, and faithful. I can see that they're meant to be so beautiful. They are already. It's so hard, though, when people are mean and things don't work out the way we want.
Annabelle is so bright. Joy just shines out of her and lights up everybody who happens to be near her. She is so intelligent, persistent, and loving. It doesn't hurt that she is really good at snuggling, too. And she happens to like me, which is always a plus.
I don't know Izabelle very well yet, because she just came home a couple of days ago. But I have every confidence that she is just as beautiful as Annabelle. Already she's proven that she is particularly excellent at making funny faces, which I am very fond of.
I love my babies. <3

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