Sunday, November 23, 2014

Grateful for Trials in Life

I feel like as a whole, our society is pretty hypocritical. This is true in a lot of things, but I find it particularly evident now, as Thanksgiving approaches. We talk about being grateful for what we have and giving thanks, but we only extend that as far was what is pleasant. We gives thanks for our food, for our friends, for our homes. We ignore or complain about our sicknesses, our pains, our tragedies.
So, I want to break that. This is my third Thanksgiving post, I believe. But usually I do the same thing and only talk about the things that make me happy. I want to do something different.
I am thankful that I am struggling with school right now. It's taught me time management, discipline, and humbled me. I usually excel academically, but not so much this semester. It's been difficult to admit that I am in fact normal and have to work really, really hard to get good grades and learn things well.
I am thankful for the relationship issues I've had with people. Through them I am learning how to be more gentle, more obedient, and to look to God for guidance more. I am learning how to 'disagree agreeably'. While many of my family members and a few of my friends would tell you that I need to work on that still, I think I've made some progress. These arguments and such hurt a lot, but I'm grateful for this opportunity.
I'm thankful for people leaving, both by moving and just not talking to me. I have had a lot of people move far away recently, leaving for missions, to college, or other issues that life brings up. I am very tender regarding these issues even from a few months back, but it helps me learn to deal with pain and not be as dependent on people. People just not having interest in being my friend anymore is a worse pain even, but once again it teaches me how to depend on God rather than man.
There are other things I could write about, but I think that's a good start for now. I really am so thankful that Heavenly Father allows us to have challenges and pains. How else would we learn so much and eventually become like him? It just wouldn't happen, so I am working on praising him for all things. All things.

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