Friday, February 6, 2015


I have heard many people state that math is completely useless past multiplication and division, because anything above that is not practical. In some ways, I agree. Most of our professional lives aren't going to use algebra or calculus very often. Some people will use advanced math all the time, but not everybody. However,the point of math isn't merely to go through our lives and use skills for solving practical problems. It is much, much higher and more supernal than that.
Math teaches us how to think. Math teaches us to understand eternal truths. Math challenges us to express ideas in different ways, that are uncomfortable at first. Numbers, variables, and shapes fitting together in logical ways really does express all of creation. As we learn to think through symbols we can learn to truly understand this universe. I once heard it said that mathematics is the language in which the Universe was written.Think about that for a little. Try to feel the wonder and divinity that the study of mathematics can bring to our lives.
I'm not very good at working problems and understanding concepts, myself. I am currently working in Algebra 1 and most of it's over my head. But I love it anyway. I want you to love it, too.

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