Sunday, February 1, 2015

Women and the Priesthood

In case you didn't know, there is a movement among some members of my church to allow women to hold the priesthood. My church believes that priesthood power comes from God, and all organizations are run by the authority of the priesthood. Any man living righteously can receive the priesthood, but it is currently not given to women.
I've given this some serious consideration, and just thinking with my logical mind I can't think of any reason why women should not hold the priesthood. I know for a fact that men and women are equally important and loved by Heavenly Father, so it has been hard to reconcile his holding back this power from us. I have heard many explanations from people as to why this might be, but nothing makes sense when I think critically. Some people say that it is simply unnecessary because we have men to rely on, some people say that there are more righteous women than men so women don't need priesthood, and some people say that  'motherhood' is the counterpart to priesthood. None of these make sense to me, and a couple of them seem slightly ridiculous.
But, you know what? I don't support Ordain Women. Even though this whole issue seems unfair right now, everything will make sense eventually. My mortal eyes can't see nearly as far as Heavenly Father's, and I am okay with that. Someday I will understand. Until then I will just rely on the words of the prophets who have been sent to us to reveal the Lord's will, and be the best woman I possibly can be. Because I am proud of being a woman, with everything that entails.

1 comment:

  1. Also, I absolutely love this blog and this post in particular seems particularly relevant:
