Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Hello! I was reading an article about gardening with cardboard boxes. I had never thought of this before, and since it's almost planting time here, I'm glad I found it. It sounds a lot easier and faster than digging out a garden, it's a good way to use cardboard boxes, and the boxes can be used for composting when you're done with them.
Here's the article: http://www.birdsandblooms.com/Gardening/General/cardboard-gardening

Planting a garden is a really useful thing to do. It saves money on groceries, makes you go outside more in order to take care of the garden, and gives you a sense of accomplishment when you see that you were able to grow something. I'm excited to get planting this year. ^_^


  1. I'm an earthy, organic gardening fanatic! I'm excited to try this out. I compost, raise my own red worms, and all sorts of weird stuff, so this is definetly up my alley. Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I do love to garden now. I keep learning new things every year.
