Friday, March 30, 2012

The Power of Language

I've noticed a deterioration in the quality of our language as a society today. It seems like a lot of us use profanity, showing a lack of self-discipline and control.
It makes me sad to hear people using profanity and tarnishing their character. Sometimes people think that language doesn't matter; after all, it's only words. They don't have any effect on our character. But it does have effect on us, on our souls, characters, and reputations. When you repeat something, some vulgar curse, it forms our characters to match them. We become twisted.
Also, if our character is bad, we sometimes use language to match it.
Please, try to keep your language pure, like how you would like to be. If you'd like to become sweet, pure, gentle, loving, use sweet, pure, gentle, loving language.


  1. Is this all your own thoughts? I was thinking about language today. Co-workers dropped a few choice profane words and took the Lord's name in vain and I sat there pondering how can I make them understand. I'm thinking about an intiative to spread around work about using better language no matter the work environment. If I was the customer I would not want to hear it.

  2. These are my own thoughts.
    That's a good idea!
