Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Color Code

I just recently finished a class on leadership, which focused heavily on personality tests. Normally I am very wary of personality tests, and think that they are just made up garbage meant to entertain. But these tests that we took made a lot of sense, and I could see how the results were reflected in my own life.
One of these that we took was the test in The Color Code by Taylor Hartman. This book states that there are four basic personalities htat are contained in some measure in everybody. These personalities are Red, Blue, Yellow, and White. To summarize, Red is driven by the need for power, Blue is driven by the need for intimacy, Yellow is driven by the need for fun, and White is driven by the need to avoid conflict.
I myself had a test result stating that I was Red and Blue in equal measures, and I can definitely see this in my own life. The Red is expressed in me by the way that I take lead in class when the teacher is gone, how I can't bear to see people do things in a way that I think is wrong, and how I almost always am organizing some sort of group. The Blue is expressed through my sensitivity, the way I get closely attached to people when I consider them my friends, and how I get upset when people take things flippantly.
White and Yellow were both very low in me, which I can see. I guess Yellow is expressed occasionally in me, with how I enjoy stake dances and such. I have been trying to develop more White qualities, such as being more accepting.

I would encourage you to take this test and read this book, because I believe that it helps each of us to improve ourselves if we gain a better awareness of who we already are. It also helps us to lead others and be a better friend when we know about others, so please share with people who you care about.

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