Wednesday, September 10, 2014


One of the saddest things I have ever seen is a child of God who forgets that their Father has for them. Unfortunately, this happens all the time. Some of the most beautiful people I know forget how beautiful they are not only for themselves but for their spiritual heritage.

Our souls yearn for something higher than this earth, and yet we are stuck here where we are surrounded by pain, sorrow and general heartache. We are separated from our home and blinded, so we can't always keep an eternal view.

Fortunately, there is more than the pain that sometimes seems like the only thing. There is so much that is lovely in this world and the next. There is innocence and joy and trust, and we can always smile. Because we are each loved. Always.

To end this post, I want you to listen to  Believe, by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
Please, please try to remember that you have heavenly help. Even in your bad times.

1 comment:

  1. Also, one of my dearest friends showed me this song that he said reminded me of a blog post. Not sure which post, but I think it's this one, so listen here:
