Saturday, September 13, 2014

Success and Failure Through Running

Today something really frustrating happened. To understand how frustrating it was, though, I want to give you some background.
This summer I took a Couch to 10K running class. For the first few weeks I stuck to the schedule faithfully and did really well. I ran my first mile, then two, then three. I looked up nutrition plans and finally found a great way to eat and train through No Meat Athlete. I was really excited about running, I wasn't nearly as tired as I usually am, and I was just overall feeling great.
Then something happened which, as silly as it is, stopped me. I lost my iPod that told me how many miles I ran during my training. This is an incredibly ridiculous reason to stop running, but it stopped me.
So I didn't turn in my assignments for my class (resulting in an F on my transcript), I didn't run my 10K which my Young Women leader had been going to do with me, and I even stopped eating vegan. This past month or so I've been feeling overall bad, so today I decided to take up running. I figured I wouldn't be able to run as far as last time I ran, but I would at least be able to do a mile.
So I got ready, I went outside, and I went for it. But I didn't reach the mile mark. That, my friends, is the frustrating thing that happened today.
Yes, I'll just get back on my plan and it won't be a big deal, but I could have just kept on going in the first place and not had to start over. I am going to run a 10K someday. I just am, even though it's hard. But I still feel like I failed when I just gave up over the summer.
Thankfully, that isn't the final measure of success. It depends on your commitment today, not the times when you didn't measure up in the past.

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