Thursday, April 30, 2015

Three Year Snapshot

My Personal Leadership class just ended. My final project was creating a three year snapshot, to picture what my life will be like in three years. I'm sharing it with you. Quick notes, though. First, I'm not sure if I am going to BYU, I just put that there because it is one option. Second, I do not have a boyfriend and don't intend to for a couple of years. :)


 An envelope sits on my desk, torn open with its contents lying next to it. I  just read my acceptance letter from BYU. This fall I’ll be leaving to go start my major in journalism. Soon enough I’ll call my family and my boyfriend, but for now I’m okay with just being by myself, letting this soak in. Back when I started high school, I really struggled. It seemed hard to believe that I would ever make it through. But I did. I made it because I worked hard and let go of what didn’t really matter. I came through stronger, more intelligent, and wiser.
 I stayed active in church even when it was hardest. When I wanted to give up I chose to have faith instead. I gave my all in my callings. I stayed consistent in learning. Heavenly Father blessed me in return, and I am so incredibly thankful for that.
 My family relationships are better, because I’ve learned how to truly love and serve those closest to me while still balancing the other areas of my life. I’m engaged in my family, and even those family members I never thought I could have healed relationships with are close now. My brothers, my sisters, my brother-in-law, and my parents are all so wonderful and I’m blessed to have them.
 I started working with various newspapers and blogs when I was sixteen years old, so I feel prepared for the rest of my future in journalism. I have kept up my blog almost religiously since I started it six years ago, and my writing has improved so much. It makes me laugh to see the quality of my older posts compared to my current ones.
 I also have a job in retail. It’s nothing fancy, but I truly enjoy working with the rest of the team and having a job like this allows me to still be involved with my writing and my mentoring. I have put together a team of other mentors, but I am still actively involved in teaching and administration. A close community has developed in my business. It’s almost like another family.
 My boyfriend has been so incredibly supportive. He respects and loves me. He helps out in all of my dreams and helps me believe that I can do this even when I doubt myself. He has his own dreams, too, and lets me help him. I love him. This is exactly what I’ve wanted for my whole life. I can see us building a future together.
 My sixteen year-old self had trouble believing that I could have a life this beautiful and full of love. But my nineteen year-old self is able to look back and realize that life is what I choose to make of it. And I chose to make something beautiful.

I have a few goals I wrote out for how to get here. Start working as a freelance writer. Build up Ninniachel Mentoring. Graduate high school. Stuff like that.
Where do you want to be in three years?

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